And so it goes
At the core of it all, there are simple rules that govern the way the world works best: what goes up, must come down; everything happens in cycles; cause and effect.
Sir Isaac Newton’s third law of thermodynamics states: for every action, there’s an equal an opposite reaction. While this helps explain energy and the motion of everyday objects, the action-‐reaction principle explains more than physical impact. When we serve a cause, we produce an effect. When we believe in something, see the greater good, we can make an impact on our community and the world around us. Even the smallest action can create a tidal wave of reaction. It’s precisely why it’s appropriate to label worthy pursuits ’causes‘. These causes can create ripples in our pond that can grow in strength, picking up steam as they reach outward.
Cause and effect, the action-‐reaction principle, also governs relationships. When you do something nice for someone (action), you feel good (reaction). When you sacrifice for others (action), you learn something, improve something (reaction). Like a physical object at impact, energy is transferred, you respond (reaction). And that’s the way relationships work: making an impact for the ones we love, with the intention of helping them move forward. While this type of contact might ricochet us in a direction where we have less control, that’s ok, because most of the times it works out for the best -‐ especially when our intentions are good. The objective is to help others move in the right direction. The more we look for impact, the more we grow.
I take great comfort in the thought that “for every action, there’s a reaction”, because while it’s hard to dispute, it’s nearly impossible to imagine a beginning without a Creator. Action-‐reaction means that, at some point in time, someone knocked over the first domino. This is the point at which every atheist’s argument breaks down. In a universe where everything decays over time, everything is created and then uncreated, there seems to be no other explanation except that there was a Creator who started it all, one who lives outside the boundaries of His universe. Something never comes from nothing. Action-‐reaction is one of God’s fingerprints.
So today, put yourself out there. Don’t be afraid to help, encourage or inspire. In fact, look for opportunities to do so. Seek out your cause. Create an effect. And when someone helps you, acknowledge them, show them love back, encourage and recognize their kindness. Always.
Your acknowledgement impacts the soul of another. Your response rewards one action with another. It’s wonderful. Suddenly we realize how important it is to have others around that help make our life better. Without them, we couldn’t move forward. Action-‐reaction -‐ that’s the way God intended. And so it goes. Have a great day. I’m proud of you! Love dad
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