
Have you ever wondered what the view is like from the top? No matter what we set out to do, the objective is always the same -­‐ learn and climb, climb and learn. That’s the path to solving every problem, accomplishing every goal. But if we decide to climb alone, we miss learning some very valuable lessons. We need to pay close attention to the ones who help us climb. Many people around us have been down a similar path before and can help us find short cuts or avoid pitfalls. If we choose to travel alone, our road might be more treacherous and uncertain. Alone, we have no one who notices and celebrates our accomplishments. Going solo gives us a different perspective when we reach the top.

Remember what we noticed when we stood on the observation deck of the Empire State Building? Everyone on the ground looked like ants. We couldn’t tell tall from short, white from black, good clothes from rags. Sometimes it’s healthy to remember that this is God’s vantage point. We are a little different. We don’t always stand at the pinnacle. And when we do, it’s our job to elevate others, to avoid looking down on them. When we help others reach our level, we can look them in the eye, see them smile, hear them from close range and take notice of their gifts.

So today, remember to include others as you dream. Share your beauty, grace and wonder. Elevate those around you. Trust the ones who walk with you, who help you climb. That’s how God wants you to deal with others and with life. Have a great day! I’m proud of you! Love dad

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