Fall Forward
Many times people look at themselves in the mirror just after the new year and they say -‐ “new year, new you”. They live in a cycle of regret, focusing on everything they did wrong in the year past. Unfortunately, a lot of times, “years gone by” are littered with missed opportunities and wrong turns. But you’re not everyone. You’re different, special.
Every new year, we should look in the mirror and take stock of how we overcame our fears, what we accomplished, how we are better prepared to reach our dream. Armed with a year’s more of experience, we are much better equipped than we were this time last year.
We grow, we learn and yes, sometimes we stumble. But even our stumbles teach us something. We might falter along the way, but we are closer.
So today, look in the mirror and say – “new year, new opportunities”. Your future is blindingly bright. Don’t miss out. Use your gifts. Look to God for answers. Live life as only you can do. Remember I’m proud of you! Love dad
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