Painful Lessons
Everyone has problems. Everyone. Some more. Some less. We are not defined by the fact that we have problems. Rather, we are defined by how we handle these challenges. Do we look outward for solutions, putting our problems in perspective? Or do we look inward and complain, blowing up even the smallest dilemma? Are we willing to look at our problems as opportunities or stumbling blocks?
We all complain about things. We all play the poor, poor me game sometimes. But in reality, we grow and learn through pain. We don’t stretch ourselves when we are satisfied and comfortable. We advance, not by sitting still and complaining. We move forward when we realize that if we don’t do it, no one will do it for us. That’s the difference between living a life of entitlement and a life of empowerment.
So today, when you look at your problems, see them as opportunities rather than stumbling blocks. Turn those stumbling blocks into speed bumps. You never know how your behavior, your reaction to a problem will inspire others to try harder as well. I’m proud of you!
Love dad
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