Rooting for the Good Guy
Why do the good guys always have to win? Do you notice that in every movie you watch, the good guy almost always seems to come out on top? Not only do they prevail, but they change for the better along the way.
Ever wonder why movies don’t celebrate the bad guy? Even when the bad guy does win, they are usually given some honorable motivation that drives them to succeed. In other words, the bad guy is just the good guy in disguise.
Why do these stories work for us time and time again? Why don’t we ever root for the antagonist? Because of “the spark”, that’s why. In Genesis 1:26, we see this spark in action: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in concert with the creation of humans. The dictate? Let us make man in our image. The image of God is love and goodness. The spark that God places inside each of us is fed by stories, images and examples of good conquering evil. Even when movies and stories show evil conquering good, they always leave the door cracked with hope: good still has a chance at some later date to overcome this cosmic mistake.
Movies condense our experience with the spark. One of the reasons we love them is because they are concentrated, fantastic events that aren’t limited to the
normal boundaries of time and space. They are fantasies and we enjoy the ride while it lasts. Our brain, in response to the spark, releases a chemical called cortisol -‐ which actually increases our attention span. We become fixated on the “good guy’s” mission. But that’s not the only chemical our brain releases. Oxytocin is a neurotransmitter that gives us a feeling of connection and empathy with our hero. In particularly powerful movies, levels of Oxytocin can actually stay elevated in your brain even days after you watch a film. You actually feel what the main character feels. You identify with their challenge and celebrate their ability to overcome their problems.
Amazing isn’t it? God gives us the spark and builds our bodies to respond to it, not only to recognize the difference between good and evil, but to actually root for good.
Every one of us makes mistakes, and so do our favorite movie characters, but in the end we strive and cheer for good. We want the good guy to win. Guess what? You are the good guy. Always remember I’m here, rooting you on.
No matter how tough it gets. Go! Love dad
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