To The Core
What do you believe in? Do you place your faith in something that is sound and can stand up to scrutiny or objective testing? Or do you prefer to believe in temporary things that will inevitably change over time? The truth is, we do both. Time is constantly moving forward and therefore our experience is temporal and always changing. Things we depend on today, like friends, the place we lay our head and daily routines might change tomorrow. But when we talk about belief, I want you to consider the bedrock of your being. Core beliefs are things that don’t change: your gifts, your desire for meaning and significance, your nature, and your search for God. Some of these things can be tested, some not. But it’s important to realize, that even though some of your beliefs are personal and can’t be tested, it doesn’t render them false.
Consider one of the most scrutinized events (I think the MOST scrutinized) on earth: the resurrection of Christ. I won’t go into detail, suffice to say that, even after the smartest and most vehement skeptics searched for ways to expose this event as false, the resurrection has stood the test of time. 11 eyewitnesses, known as the apostles, all went to the grave, most in grisly fashion. Many were offered mercy if they would just confess that the resurrection was a lie. You know how many of them ended up renouncing Christ? Zero. In fact, they all professed a stronger belief and counted it a blessing and honor to die for something so worthy, because they knew it was true. 11 people. A jury of witnesses united in absolute agreement. That’s pretty compelling evidence.
So remember today, belief is a powerful thing -‐ especially your core beliefs. Let them steer you, keep you in balance. And let the most scrutinized event on earth lead you to significance. You are incredibly gifted and beautiful. So much so, that God sent His son for you. I’m proud of you!
Have a great day. Love dad
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