Trust it
Everyone dreams. And dreams are good. But remember this -‐ dreams never die, they just change. And change is natural.
What you dreamed about when you were younger may not be the same thing you dream about today. Goals change as we find out what truly brings us joy.
Consider this -‐ whenever we sleep, dreams rarely take a logical course of action or follow a sensible storyline. The same is true when we’re awake. God’s story for our life, the path that He lays out for us is so much better than the path we can pave ourselves. Life is an adventure: unpredictable, challenging, exciting, rocky and breathtaking. Our path to our dream is what’s most important. It’s the journey, not the destination, that matters.
So dream big. Take some risks. Be bold. God has great plans for you. And that means, when you dream, be ready for the unexpected. I’m proud of you! Love dad
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