Well, do you?
Do I have what it takes? It’s a question we frequently ask ourselves in the midst of challenging circumstances. Sometimes there’s an easy answer: Do I have what it takes to make the team? Do I have what it takes to impress during my audition and be selected for the play? Do I have what it takes to pass this class? Do I have what it takes to get my driver’s license? The answers to these types of questions reveal themselves over a relatively short period of time. The likelihood of success is high, but the consequence of failure is low. When we don’t have what it takes in these situations, we gather ourselves and try again, or we move on having learned a lesson. No harm, no foul. More importantly, we have gained valuable experience. If you were to ask me, I would say – “Yes, in these circumstances, you can do it. Yes, you have what it takes. If you fail, try again or try differently.”
Sometimes this question addresses life events that test our character, threaten our once-‐solid ground or make us question our trusted belief system. Do I have what it takes when a trusted friend betrays me? Do I have what it takes to recover from the loss of a loved one? Do I have what it takes to move on after losing my job? Do I have what it takes to be strong when my family falls apart? Do I have what it takes when my dreams shatter around me? These questions are harder and less predictable. They reveal things about you that you didn’t know existed. If asked to guess your outcome in any of these circumstances, my answer would simply be “I think so. We shall see.” Or even: “I don’t know, do you?” That’s not a lack of confidence in you. It’s simply an acknowledgement that the outcome is less certain.
These events are painful, they change you. They are less about your abilities and more about your resolve.
Surviving these situations will strengthen you, but the experience might alter your path. Like dominoes, how you deal with these events could impact other, deeply important areas of your life. Make no mistake, I believe completely in your abilities, your talent. But today, I’m more interested in helping you build the character: inner strength and resolve that will guide you through life’s most challenging events.
My great hope is that I will be able to give you the right tools to help when you’re most tested. Do I have what it takes to get that job done? I’ll let you know the answer in a few years. For now, remember: God gave you remarkable gifts. He is preparing you for life by giving you great resolve as well. Trust in Him. “Do you have what it takes?” I believe you do, because I believe in you. Have a wonderful day today. Let your love shine! Love dad
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