We’re best when we share
What does teaching teach us? Is it worth the effort? When we put ourselves in a position to deliver knowledge, it challenges us in a way we hadn’t considered before. Suddenly everything that seemed correct and ordered in our mind has to be re-‐thought and reorganized. Delivering knowledge in simple terms to someone else is not easy. It takes patience and a certain selflessness to teach effectively. Remember what Albert Einstein said: “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”
Reminds me of you (Jett) teaching me the graph of acceleration you learned in physics class. You understood it, but in order to boil the concept down to simpler terms, you had to rethink and reset a couple of times. When you finally found your way, you explained things beautifully, in simpler terms. You addressed my questions with a gentle realization that didn’t insult my lack of understanding. In other words, you encouraged me while teaching me. When you revealed the solution or the “aha” moment, you did so with an enthusiasm that made me want to learn more!
Reminds me of that time a few months back when I asked about how you (Savannah) stitched the pattern for one of your stuffed animals so accurately. You took the time to explain how to do things the right way. You showed me pictures of this technique – both the incorrect way and the correct way to do it. Then you showed me how you applied this technique to the stuffed animal in your hands. Your enthusiasm was contagious!
It’s a marvelous thing when the teacher and student both revel in the learning moment. Believe it or not, this is how we learn best -‐ when we share what we know with others. Verbalizing our knowledge or writing it down for those who haven’t learned it yet forces us to simplify our language. When we find common ground we reengage those synapses that fell in love with this topic in the first place. It’s a marvelous thing to teach. It’s an amazing thing when we learn something from someone who’s patient and understanding. It makes us want to teach and learn more! You are a great teacher. You are also a curious student of life. Stay the course. Teach and learn. And grow. Have a great day! Love dad
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