What’s on your mind?

Think about this today: As you become an adult, I am more interested in your growth than your comfort.

Consider these two options: Do you have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset?

Fixed mindsets find every encounter as a test of their worthiness.

Growth mindsets see these same encounters as opportunities to improve.

To identify which mindset you have, ask yourself this question: when someone challenges you, how do you feel? A fixed mindset sees this challenge as an insult. You take offense. Fixed = inflexible, unchangeable, rigid. A growth mindset understands the challenge and seizes the opportunity to improve. Growth might mean that you change your perspective or perhaps help another person see the greater truth. Teaching is a great way for you to grow.

When another needs enlightenment, do so with respect and gentleness. Your ability to see opportunity when challenged will help you mature and become the best you can be. So today, adopt a growth mindset. Be confident enough in yourself enough to self-­‐assess and become the best you. It’s a mindset that will carry you to greater places and accomplishments than you ever dreamed. I’m proud of you! Love dad

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