Why or why not?
As humans why is the ‘why’ so important? Why are we plagued with the desire to reach beyond the data and look for a reason? For significance and meaning, that’s why.
Asking and answering the ‘why’ uncovers the most pertinent information -‐ more than any other question. Sometimes it takes guts to ask why. When asked honestly, the why reveals truth and usually something hidden about us.
But asking ‘why’ is different than asking ‘why me’. One looks for truth, the other looks for excuses. One searches for meaning, the other searches for a scapegoat. When we focus on the ‘why’ rather than the ‘why me’, something incredible happens: we open ourselves to new ideas, we grow, we accept accountability.
In Genesis, the bible tells us about a man named Joseph. Left for dead in a pit by his jealous brothers, Joseph was sold into slavery, thrown into prison and was only rescued when Pharaoh needed information that only Joseph could deliver. God answered Pharaoh through Joseph and as a reward, Joseph became the second most powerful man in Egypt. Joseph probably asked ‘why’ many times throughout his storied life, but he never asked ‘why me’. And something amazing happened. Years later, his brothers traveled to Egypt, desperate to buy food. A great famine had occurred throughout the land. The person they appealed to for food was none other than Joseph himself. The brothers had no clue who he was. They did not recognize the person they had abandoned years before.
When Joseph revealed himself, his brothers were naturally afraid for their own lives. I’m sure many of them asked ‘why me?’ But Joseph, who had forgiven them privately long before that, professed his forgiveness for them in public. We read Joseph’s response in Genesis 50:20: “you meant it for evil, but God meant it for good…”
In other words, all of the events in Joseph’s life needed to happen so that he could be in that place at that time when he could truly help his family. Joseph received the answer to his ‘why’. Even though it took some pain to get there, I think he would tell you, it was worth it!
God has great plans for you, but He never wants you to stop asking ‘why?’ He loves you like he loved Joseph. He put this spark of curiosity inside you. So today, challenge yourself and ask ‘why?’ And then, get ready for what’s next! I’m proud of you! Have a great day! Love dad
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