What does teaching teach us? Is it worth the effort? When we put ourselves in a position to deliver knowledge, it challenges us in a way we hadn’t considered before. Suddenly everything that seemed correct and ordered in our mind... Continue Reading
Why do the good guys always have to win? Do you notice that in every movie you watch, the good guy almost always seems to come out on top? Not only do they prevail, but they change for the better... Continue Reading
Do you approach everything with caution or do you like to jump right into things? The truth is, you probably do both. But here’s the thing -‐ when you have an idea or find something you want to do, ask yourself... Continue Reading
Think about this today: As you become an adult, I am more interested in your growth than your comfort. Consider these two options: Do you have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset? Fixed mindsets find every encounter as a test... Continue Reading
Why is play so important for us? Jett, I still remember a little guy running around at the beach, hurtling himself toward the ocean (you called it the big “Ahhhh”) as I chased you down and rescued you from the... Continue Reading