Categories for Courage and Accountability

Unchain the Real you

What’s holding you back? What obstacles are blocking your road to joy? You need to know, whatever you think your limitations are, no matter how ominous the roadblocks appear to be, it’s only an illusion. They’re really not that big.... Continue Reading

That’s Just Not Fair

Because I said so. Why does that phrase drive us crazy? It’s been uttered by nearly everyone who’s ever been a parent and yet, still, it makes very little sense – until we dig deeper. It’s not fair! I deserve... Continue Reading

The mask

Why do we prefer to wear a mask? We all fake it. Whether it’s with body language or the words we use, we are constantly projecting an image that’s different than our true self. Take the strut, for instance. Why do... Continue Reading

There’s only 1

Some people are what I call 1 percenters, some aren’t. 99 people might walk by a homeless person on the street, 1 will help. 99 people might do just enough to get a job done, 1 will go above and beyond.... Continue Reading