Have you ever asked yourself why salmon spend a good portion of their lives swimming upstream? Why spend the energy fighting against the current? Why take two steps forward only to be pushed one step back, every time? Why challenge... Continue Reading
Is a real woman supposed to be a sex-‐crazed, bikini-‐clad goddess whose purpose is to please and know her place? Or conversely, is she supposed to be some soul-‐less witch who is fueled only by ambition and her search for... Continue Reading
What does it mean to “be a man”? Is it about physical or mental strength that one can use to dominate another? Is it about proving your worth over and over? The world sends us mixed messages: a real man... Continue Reading
We learn best when we pay attention to the rhythm and majesty of nature. Let’s pretend that you’re a wave. That’s easy, right? I know how you love the beach. As a wave, you’re born when two older waves meet... Continue Reading
Don’t ever let them see you coming. Sounds like an order from an army General, doesn’t it? I want to show you how this can also be a rewarding approach to generosity. Let’s start by looking at how we might... Continue Reading
1 in 7.4 billion. That’s what you are. Amazing isn’t it? Our brains can’t possibly fathom the breadth of that figure. But currently that’s the number of people who reside on our planet. So, what do you think of the... Continue Reading